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            Swami Stone's Going ClearÂ
                         Survival Blog...
Lynn's Story...Â
(This blog is a week to week discovery process for someone who receives one-on-one Going Clear mentoring from Swami Stone directly. Many hours are spent working through intensive gestalt therapy by way of Swami Stone's Going Clear methods outlined in her book 'Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine' (available through this website) and with the Swami herself. This one-on-one therapy is ideal for someone wishing to remake their lives into the life that they dream of in a very short period of time rather than long term therapy which could take months to years, depending upon student proficiency. It is like Going clear boot camp.)Â
"When you are finished with your lifeÂ
'having it's way with you', you can take backÂ
the reigns of destiny in your own favor."
                  Swami Ramaraaja Stone
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Copyright 2010 Mystic Tiger Ashram/Sharon R. StoneÂ
All Rights Reserved. No part of this site in whole or in part may be copied.without written permission of the administrator.
“Man’s heart is a barren desert until theÂ
‘Spirit of Life’ fills it with the cooling watersÂ
of peace and enlightenment.Â
There is no greater search for manÂ
than for the expression of his or herÂ
own being that is poured outÂ
when their true dharma is found.�
            Swami Ramaraaja Stone
Thank you for supporting the Mystic Tiger Ashram!Â
'Going Clear,Â
    Doorway to the Divine'
By Swami Ramaraaja Stone, 2009
Sharon R. Stone BS, DD, VHT, RMT
Perfect Paperback with CD - ISBN: 978-0-615 24298-9Â
"Books about creating your dreams cannot work for you if you cannot clear the excess noise out of your head that continually draws you back into fear, hopelessness and dread. It is this noise that you will clear; it is this noise that shouts down your new affirmations of abundance while competing with them fiercely. It is this noise coupled with constant mind chatter that causes you to need higher doses of medications and the reason why you are so unhappy in life� (Stone, 2009, pg 20).
Light in the Dark Publishing Company 2009.Â
Book Only Shipping $4.95. All other items standard 6.00.
"Re-setting your mind is as easy as readingÂ
    ONE BOOK...   Â
         That's all.Â
It just has to be the Right book!"Â
"Re-setting your mind is as easy as readingÂ
    ONE BOOK...   Â
         That's all.Â
It just has to be the Right book!"Â
"Re-setting your mind is as easy as readingÂ
    ONE BOOK...   Â
         That's all.Â
It just has to be the Right book!"Â
For a Counseling Session, Life Mastery TrainingÂ
or Intuitive Phone Reading with Swami Stone callÂ
For a Counseling Session, Life Mastery Training or Intuitive Phone Reading with Swami Stone callÂ