Welcome to Our.... 
           Healing & Wellness Services...

For Individuals who are seeking answers to real life problems, the healers on staff are equipped to help you find relief for body, mind or spirit through many modalities. The Psychosocial Intuitive therapies are fashioned after the Going Clear Copyrighted methods and include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), Gestalt and Dialectical Behavioral Therapies combined with Spiritual Counseling.

Psychosocial Intuitive therapies as well as spiritual counseling combined with Attunement & Vibrational Healing/Energy therapies have helped many people find relief and peace of mind over the years. Integrative wellness is the wave of the future because when we become ill it is not just our bodies, but also our minds and spirits as well that are experiencing dis-ease.

When we treat the whole person in this way true healing can take place because the thoughts and the belief systems often times associated with disease can be cleared away allowing the healing power within each of us to take over and make our lives new again. We welcome you to give us a try.

Integrative Wellness Services Offered through...
* Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
* Psychosocial Intuitive Counseling combined with... CBT/Cognitive
* Behavioral Therapy and REBT
* Vibrational Healing Energy Work 
* Attunement & Full Body Scans 
* Reiki & Shamanic healing Therapy
* Quantum Touch
* Energy Healing Modalities
* Meditation/Mindfulness Therapies
* Intuitive Readings
* Spiritual Healing Readings
* Weddings & Funerals

Healing Staff and More Below...
Psycho-Social Intuitive Therapy...
.Uses Dialectical Behavoral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Association, Gestalt Therapy, and Psychotherapy.
Helpful with conditions such as... Confidence, Anxiety, Depression, Mid-Life Crisis, Bi-Polar, Agoraphobia and more...
All clients receiving energy work receive the mind body integration therapy described here. Over the years, this very popular type of therapy has helped many of Dr. Stone's clients to overcome stress related illnesses including, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, mid-life crisis, bi-polar behaviors and more. Psycho-Social Intuitive therapies involve working with a client's personal life issues including: family background and training, past trauma, societal programming and pressures, programmed belief systems, are hindering the person now, and causing stress in their current life. 
Due to the Mind, Body, Spirit connection of many illnesses an individual's spiritual beliefs or religion can also be addressed during spiritual/intuitive counseling. We help the client assess which of these belief systems and values are still working for them and which they may possibly desire to change or eliminate. The issues addressed are for the sole purpose of reducing stress on a daily basis in the client's current life. The overall goal is the improved integrative health of the client and increasing their satisfaction and joy in living. Many individuals receiving treatment with Dr. Sharon Stone have been able to reduce stress and anxiety significantly to the point of being able to eventually remove the aide of prescription drugs to overcome depression and other unwanted conditions of the mind, body and spirit. For more questions regarding this type of treatment contact Swami Stone at the Mystic Tiger Ashram. She can answer any questions that you or you may have regarding this type of therapy. SEE DR. SWAMI STONE BIO BELOW.
Mystic Tiger Ashram Healing Center  
By 1997 Swami Stone had began to combine the most logical and fail safe spiritual and psychological teachings that she had been mastering throughout her life and created the 'Steps to Personal Power and Transformation' that were influenced by western psychology, Jesus and Buddhist based logic and teachings. Buddhism philosophy in the current day is having a great impact upon the system of psychology and has been profoundly instrumental in

Copyright 2010 Mystic Tiger Ashram/Sharon R. Stone 
All Rights Reserved. No part of this site in whole or in part may be copied.without written permission of the administrator. 
Swami Sharon R. Stone

Director of The Mystic Tiger Ashram & Sharon Stone Institute

Author of . . .
'Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine' 2009 & '1001 Words of Wisdom, Musings of a Master Yogini', 2011.

* Bachelor of Science in Psychology from  Grand Canyon University (Magna Cum Laude Honors). 
* Swami is currently in an PhD
program for Social Psychology.

* Psycho-Social Intuitive Therapist -
 Using the Going Clear Methods©
* Going Clear Weekend Creator©

* Ordained Minister, Honorary DD and 
Going Clear Weekend Methods© Creator 
(Swami Stone has been teaching and
mentoring using her methods for over fifteen  years.)
* Certified Vibrational Healing, Attunement 
and Full Body Scan Therapist (Vibrational 
Gateways Institute, Kansas City MO, Dr. Larry
* Certified Reiki Seichim Master
* Lightening Fire Touch Shamanic Reiki
* Shamanic Healer
* Intuitive Reader professor of Psychic
* Educational and Spiritual Director and
  Professor at Light in the Dark, Stone Institute
  and Mystic Tiger Ashram since 1998.

Mystic Tiger Ashram Healing Center
Call 928-821-1261 to contact the 
Ashram, School & Healing Center
Contact info: [email protected]
For more information go to the Founder 
page within this website.

928-821-1261 (main) or 816-442-8642 Fax
281-748-4504 Houston Office contact number. Not Swami Stone's private number.

Attunement Therapy is the most powerful healing technique in Vibrational Healing. During a session, the client is connected to the healing power of their own bodies and minds. Clients usually notice sensations of healing taking place in their bodies as the work is being done. 

What is taking place is much like tuning up a car in the shop except we are tuning up different troubled areas in a clients body and mind. All areas of a person are being affected by the same techniques because the attunement causes integrative healing to take place on all levels.

What the client should expect
Illness builds up in layers over a patients lifetime due to stress. This stress is experienced on one's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Attunement Therapy loosens and softens these hardened layers and the patient may experience a release emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually.

If there is an emotional release they may experience an emotional response as life problems causing depression may be lifted off of them. A Client may experience a mental release and all of a sudden realize new solutions to “old� problems.

Physical release also takes place and may be noticed soon after or over a period of time since these problems usually were not created over night; too, they will not disappear in only one or two treatments.

A spiritual response might also be noticed by the client in the form of dreams, visions or an experience leading to new answers for old problem issues in a clients life.

The benefits of Attunement therapy, regardless of how many times a person experiences one, is invaluable. Layers are lifted off of a person so that new and deeper issues may be dealt with. I highly recommend this form of treatment for everyone... especially if one is truly serious about clearing their issues physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
Full Body Scan 
& weekly Energy 
Healing treatments

A Full Body Scan is a Vibrational Healing physical exam. Hundreds of questions are asked by using various scanning techniques. The reason for a scan is to get an overall picture of a patient physically and energetically. The results are used to treat a patient by pealing off one layer at a time.

There are many benefits of receiving a full body scan and regular Vibrational Healing treatments. The benefits range from having a feeling of better overall health physically to receiving possible answers as to why one has been depressed emotionally or mentally. 

Some benefits include the possibility of clearing chronic physical conditions or re-setting the brains chemicals in the case of a chemical or suspected chemical imbalance; helping one to find their highest purpose in life can lead to an emotional freedom never before felt by an individual. 

Many individuals have noticed having more clear thought processes and a lifting of a mental fogginess; more joy in their lives or having joy for the first time.

Individuals have also noticed having more energy physically; improved eyesight; reductions in conditions such as ulcers, hepatitis, tumors and the early detection of tumors/cancers; speedy recovery from everyday illness such as colds or flu or the prevention of these illnesses by early detection and treatment.

It all begins with a Full Body Scan. Schedule your appointment today and treat yourself, you and your family deserve a better you.

Healing Sessions include Psycho-Social Intuitive Counseling by a qualified Spiritual Administrator, Energy work, Aromatherapy, Energetic Massage Therapy, Lightening Fire Touch Reiki & Life Mentoring to determine the cause of disease. Nutritional influences also looked at.

'1001 Words of Wisdom' comments and reviews

A spiritual must-have!
This is a book you will find yourself returning to again and again for everything from deeply mystical matters to daily dilemmas. The insights it offers are refreshing and more down to earth than most self-help publications. My favorite sections include those regarding dealing with the ego, healing and relationships.
cajon chick

This book has amazing insight!
I have been able to put together many missing pieces due to reading this comprehensive compilation of wisdom. So many subjects are covered, especially answers to plaguing mystical questions that I have found no where else after reading for over ten years!!!

This book helped me...
This book helped me with my relationship. I did not realize things which I was doin to cause my husband to be distant from me. I took the advice in this book, applide it and found that my marriage is much better now. I dont know what I would have done without this insight into my own behaviors. I can see now that he was not to blame for everythin. I will continue to use this book as a resource in other areas of my life, but so far, it has helped and I am impressed.
Latisha M.

I have enjoyed reading this book.
This book has helped me in areas that my spiritual teacher has not. I have been in a temple for over three years as a monk, vegetarian and celibate, and do everything just as I am supposed to do but nothing has happened for me yet spiritually. My teachers tell me that in time things will change, but I question that, I can't help it. I have been reading this book - part two - and the things that the Swami talks about are what I have been thinking already in my meditations, but the monastery that I live in thinks differently on. I don't know yet if this will help me, but am willing to try because what she is saying just makes perfect sense. I cannot resist trying it. I don't know if it is different that she is a woman? Anyway, so far it resonates with my inner knowing and will pursue it. If it helps me in the long run then there is no harm. Truth is stronger than dogma.

Copyright Mystic Tiger Ashram, 2011.
Book '1001 Words of Wisdom, Musings 
of a Master Yogini', below
by Swami Ramaraaja Stone
is available for $9.99 at
Amazon Kindle
ebooks right now...
For a private phone session 
or reading with Swami Stone... 
Call Now...(928) 821-1261 
or in Houston TX (281) 748-4504
Intuitive Reading Benefits...

Intuitive readings are a good option for individuals who do not have the funds or the time to enter into long term counseling therapy. In an intuitive reading an individual can have major issues assessed and pinpointed within moments and find clear cut solutions to dealing with those issues.

Most individuals have concerns regarding their relationships with family, friends, employers and co-workers that can become muddied and confusing. An intuitive reading can help an individual to discover ways in which they are not helping themselves by realizing behaviors that they are unaware of.while in relationship with others. Many people are shocked to discover how they may be contributing to grievous situations or being relieved to discover that they are not at fault and have done all that they can to close a rift. Readings can help to end enabling behaviors.

Swami Stone is a dedicated and respected Intuitive therapist who has been trained to help help others with her abilities seventeen years plus! She has a near 100% accuracy and has helped many to find answers to plaguing problems.

Swami Stone is an Ordained Minister and has helped many with critical issues in LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS; CAREER, MONEY and PROFESSIONAL; HEALTH, WELLNESS and ILLNESS as well as ALL PERSONAL troubling Issues (DEPRESSION, OCD, PHOBIAS, DISORDERS, LOW SELF-CONFIDENCE, ABDUCTIONS, WALKINS and more. (LGBTA sensitive) that have changed beings forever. SHE SPEAKS YOUR language, she understands YOUR needs, she can help YOU to reach your goals in whatever life issue that you have. She is able to help individuals from any religion or background to scrape off the false and discover the real, bringing much needed awareness and happiness to so many. 

Swami Stone is a Yogini Master & Shaman. She uses Tarot, Clairvoyance, Clair-audience, Clair-sentience, Guides & Cognitive Behavior Therapies for accurate, non-sugar coated answers. mystictigerashram.com. (Biography Info, Bio information on Swami Stone below)

"What impacted me most was realizing my desire to be less judgmental, more focused, compassionate and be a TRUE free spirit. I HIGHLY recommend Swami Stone for those who want to get rid of their troubling issues, she is NOT for sissies!"
Dr. Jeanie Sayer, Physician/Surgeon, Arizona, Costa Rica

"Dr Swami Stone's techniques for getting through the issues that strain relationships and personal growth are SO empowering. I highly recommend her for any issue!"  Bobbi Walker, MO

DISCLAIMER: If you are in an emergency situation then please CALL 911. The information provided on Mystic Tiger Ashram.com from Swami Stone (Sharon R. Stone), or in phone readings, emails, ebooks, or other materials you might receive from MysticTigerAshram.com, is for entertainment purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of psychic information, and we are not responsible for how you interpret or apply it. If you are struggling with serious life problems, including, but not limited to chronic physical, emotional or mental illness, diagnosed mental illness, or legal issues, please consult with your local registered health care or other legal professionals and therapists as soon as possible. Please read the full Terms of Service.
"What impresses me the most is how Swami Stone deals with the problems people have with clear and direct input. The love and spiritual qualities flow from her. She is a powerful and dynamic healer. Life changing, full of love and energy!"
Jerry Mayhall, Professional
"I am renewed! The knowledge that I have gained has enabled me to reclaim myself and to re-discover me. My goals and my desires are now more real and reachable. The only thing stopping me is me - not anymore! Learning to let go, love myself and allow myself to 'have' and 'to be' and to do what I desire is true freedom."
Helene Soetaert, Professional

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Cleanse Your Spirit 
- The Benefits of 
Energy Healing

Today, in our advanced, modern society, people take time to perform some kind of daily physical cleansing ritual. A shower or bath, teeth brushing, shaving and hair styling are all standard forms of grooming that we make time to fit into our busy lifestyles. After all, its good hygiene, right? Our outward appearance is something most of us take pride in, but what about whats going on beneath the layers of the skin?

Remembering high school anatomy we know about the muscles, organs, bones, cells, molecules and atoms. But go just one step further and there is Energy. This energetic layer is the unseen, but very much felt, spiritual layer of our body. We feel it strongly with our emotions and it is through this layer that we sense life. Yet, we may not be aware that the energetic body needs just as much cleansing as the rest of our body. Here are some thoughts to consider:

Since our bodies are mostly made up of energy, we can at times act just like a sponge; soaking up energies all around us. These energies can be made up of various things such as other peoples emotions, traffic noise, or contagious laughter. However, this energy absorbing happens when there is a matching frequency within us. Cells in our body send out a frequency and attract to it a similar frequency. So if there is an unhealthy belief we carry in ourselves, our cells or our energy will keep drawing to us the same lessons until the belief is changed.

Scientist and author, Candace B. Pert, PhD gives a more scientific explanation in her book 'Everything You Need To Know To Feel Go(o)d'. She writes, The matter of consciousness is the vibrating, moving, breathing, pumping molecular complexes of receptors and their ligands as they bind to every cell in your body. The activity of these molecules creates an electrical charge and continually generates a current throughout your body mind to keep you awake, alert and conscious.vibratory attraction is when the receptor [sitting on the surface of the cell] wiggles and shimmies, changing from one configuration to another in a constant state of flux. This dance creates vibration that resonates with a ligand vibrating at the same frequency, and they begin to resonate together. So, the energetic body is mostly affected by cellular memory, consciousness and emotions, and if cells within us resonate with the frequency of another person, we may have similar triggers, and we may feel a physical response in our bodies when we pick up energies.

Now, it would be great if every time we were affected by the energies around us it was a wonderful, uplifting experience, but the reality, of course, is that this is not always so. A large majority of our day is spent at work in and around other people energy and this is bound to pose some rough spots at one point or another. An example I like to use is the so called nightmare co-workers. Yes, you know the one. The job itself probably isn't all too bad, but that nightmare co-worker seems never to have heard the term boundary; they are generally loud and very certain you, and everyone else, need to hear their whole life story. Over all, this can leave you feeling crowded and bombarded by a big energy. At days end, extreme exhaustion, a headache and possibly some anger/frustration can result from bottling it up all day. Not only could you be soaking up this co-workers energy, but you're probably unaware that you even let it in. There may be some matching frequency in you that creates space for this persons energy. For example, they could remind you of a family member who had dominant energy and your body responds to the co- workers actions on a cellular level by remembering what big energy feels like. Familiarity attracts this person energy and you're left feeling emotionally drained and energetically congested. 

Often, we may be attracting circumstances in our life in order to learn something and to heal something in ourselves. Ultimately we cannot change the other person, but we can heal the triggers in ourselves so as to not be affected. Our energetic bodies can get so congested with unwanted outside energy and unresolved internal emotions that distressful symptoms can eventually manifest in our physical bodies. Then we experience various ailments including anxiety, depression and stress. We may even become critical of our self, and others or spiral into negative thinking.

In some eastern medicines, caring for the body includes consciousness before matter. There are treatments for the energetic body just as there would be for the physical body and the two are not considered separate. The Indian healing medical practice of Ayurveda, for example, creates a structure for the energetic body composed of Nadis (energetic meridians), Marmas (acupressure points), Chakras (wheels of energy carrying information on the individual) and the Aura (the layers surrounding the physical body). The body responds physically when there is treatment of the energetic body. 

So then, just as we are mindful of cleaning our physical bodies daily, why wouldn't we also make time to clean the most primal, sacred layer of our existence, our Spirit? Especially considering that cleaning our energetic bodies could help reduce distressing physical symptoms as well. 

There are a few ways to go about clearing the body of unwanted residual energy. One is simply finding ways to unwind from your day and learning to decompress from the influx of the energetic world around us. I recommend yoga and/or meditation as a way of letting go and replenishing. As for being conscious of our sensitivity to other energy, I recommend setting an intention during meditation that you will not falter from and that you can repeat throughout your day. In the case of the co-worker try intentions such as, I enjoy my job and I work well with those around me. Change your reality with conscious thought and really feel the truth of the intention. The more your body feels the new truth the better you will feel about yourself and the situation. Additionally, being mindful of your breath throughout the day will help you stay present with each action and interaction as well as help you embody clear intentions.

Another way to clear the energetic body is by having an energy clearing done by an intuitive healer, reiki practitioner, cranial sacral therapist or other body worker specializing in energetic clearing. Its an amazing way to access the deeper layers of who we are here to be as spirits in a body. You can gain clarity and insight into what underneath current issues you may be experiencing, and you can really have some wonderful openings. Just as there are many different types of doctors, energy healers work in many different styles of healing. I always recommend when choosing an energy healer that you take particular note of whether the person seems grounded, knowledgeable, and that he/she embraces Divine Light as a mode for their work. Most healers hearts are in the right places, but I caution against ego in this work. Essentially, trust your intuition when you are choosing some one to work with. If you take a moment to really breath into it you can feel whom you resonate with. 

We all have the ability to heal our own bodies through our own thoughts, feelings and intentions but we all have blind spots to certain patterns engrained in our bodies, too. They may be beneficial patterns or ones that are blocking us from healing and growing. This is where an energy healer or therapist can really make a difference. Cells carry intelligence, programming, memory, emotions and information that help shape who we are. Once we have adapted certain programmings our reality shifts to support this. What may get over looked is that things don't always have to be the way we've been programmed to be. There could be a core belief in you that is resistant to setting any intentions that will result in happiness. Seeing a healer can help you unravel the layers of life experiences, energies, emotions and lifetimes past that may be contributing to the holding of that belief. A healer who is able to stay grounded, neutral and work from a place of Divine light can help assist you in releasing patterns by bringing awareness to internal blocks and giving you the opportunity to recognize them. Energy healing is a wonderful, supportive modality that can help you on your path. What it doesn't do, however, is replace a persons responsibility for their own health and well being. 

There are so many ways to care for your body as a whole. Breath, mindfulness, relaxation, nourishing food, exercise, creativity are all ways to feel connected to your sense of self. Energy healing is a wonderful way to clear out unwanted energy and awaken deeper awareness. Whatever path you choose for healing, enjoy the process because it is a gift to unravel the layers and wake up to a deeper awareness of your life.

For a private phone session or reading with Swami Stone 
Call Now (928) 821-1261 Contact for Houston TX is (281) 748-4504.
Statement of Purpose
Swami Stone 

The quest for comprehending the nature of the human mind and its relationship to the soul has been a lifelong journey of mine. 

I had delved into study at very young age due to the death of my father and having a bi-polar relative whom I was very close to. By the age of twelve I had become very observant and contemplative. I was possessed by an inner drive to tap into my own innate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills wherewith I could gain awareness of my own mind and its intentions – as a ‘model’ - and then apply this to others.  

I attended Nazarene churches from infancy, listening to missionary’s accounts on what they had experienced in the field, I was intrigued. I had insisted upon formal religious schooling at that time and succeeded in attending private religious institutions for several years. I graduated from Berean Academy in 1980.

Since the age of eight I have exhibited a keen understanding of psychological as well as spiritual matters and have made a serious inquiry into each. I have sought to discover the intricacies of the mind’s source and function in daily living through spiritual as well as psychological disciplines, Biblical theology and other philosophies. 

My multi-religious knowledge and background allows me a stronger level of compassion and understanding into a person’s psyche via their faith to know how to proceed with them safely on the mental planes. This is effective since an individual’s religious beliefs are their initial programming or mental construct wherewith everything else springboards from, like religious guilt. This is very important and what I feel is possibly lacking in psychology practices today. 

In college I studied design systems and processes. I began to use reverse engineering to understand things, or take them apart to put them back together. I am dyslexic, so I naturally reverse engineer all things, even the mind, and then I rebuild it. This is a type of regression or reading the manual to discover what God created originally in a person, in order to return that person to an earlier save point, as if a person were a computer. Using this methodology or theory, while drawing from the knowledge (technical manuals) of the operating system (psychology and religion) combined, is a powerful cure, for some people. I feel that this is what the great psychologists of the past 150 years, were grappling with and got as close as they possibly could, until now. Now we have new information.

In a way, you could say that I help others with a combined method of engineering, computer science, gestalt, association, tracking, regression, psycho-analysis, dialectical behavioral therapy, CBT and REBT. I desire to continually gain more insight and seek more understanding in the field of psychology and religion in order to help those whom God is putting into my path. I am very interested in continued studies into child, adolescent, personality and abnormal psychology in order to work a creative effect on the world today. 

I am innovative; I clearly think outside of the box and I ask the right questions. I wish to perfect my interpersonal skills using a systematically concise tracking system (with gestalt) to unlock the unfix-able minds. And if not, then to glean more under-standing, start an effective healing process for others and bring still others to catharsis where other therapists have failed to succeed. 

My goal is to relieve the suffering of individuals who have apparently lost the ability to help themselves due to past traumas, learned helplessness or a low self-efficacy and to help to guide them into both a happy and fulfilling existence. My past research has been recorded in the book ‘Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine’, 2009 Stone. 

I am currently working on a book on depression and the goal is to have it released in 2013. With my combined training and research I have succeeded in the creation of an integrative psychological or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) system which includes mind, body and spirit. Much of this system is based upon the methods in the publication  ‘Going Clear, Doorway…’ research. All of this, to effect a complete healing, regardless of religion or cultural influences. It is quite possible that the 'Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine' publication is already the most effective at that.

My dream and current track is to continue my education towards a PhD in Social Psychology, conduct more research and teach what I have discovered to other hungry minds in the Collegiate and world setting. I am passionate about political issues affecting women and wish to do some work towards women's advocacy and equal rights for all people, but especially women and children around the globe. I want to help to bring Social awareness to people about current events and the plague and war against all women everywhere. 

Copyright 2011
Sharon R. Stone

For a Life Design Coaching or Psychic Consultation with Swami Stone please call 281-748-4504
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