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          Mystic Tiger Ashram's Meetings                                             and Spiritual Services...

A Spiritual Haven for All People and for All Times! 
Copyright 2010 Mystic Tiger Ashram/Sharon R. Stone 
All Rights Reserved. No part of this site in whole or in part may be copied.without written permission of the administrator. 
Swami Stone is meeting with individuals in one on one phone consultations only at this time. 
You may call the Ashram to set 
up an apointment at (281) 748-4504.

Notice: Ashram Weekly Meditation Meetings have been postponed at this time. Please check back later. 
* Private group meditations may be arranged with the Ashram for a pre-determined love offering.

Swami Stone has conducted effortless Deep Trance Meditation and Energy Clearing sessions for years in an intimate setting with a  very short  reading or affirmation from one of the various earthly spiritual traditions. The attendees participate in open discussion and then meditate. We practice no specific religion at the Ashram so the questions that attendees ask can be about any subject from religion to self healing or speak of anything that is on their minds if they so wish. The removal of energy blocks from the room helps those in attendance to experience kundalini releases (raising of the Kundalini) and a much deeper spiritual connection to the Deity of their own personal traditions. All attendees leave feeling very refreshed and relaxed! After the removal of blockages, attendees are able to continue on their spiritual paths to Cosmic, God and Unity consciousness.

Swami Stone asks for love offering donations for this service of ministering to them. The Ashram is dependent upon it's donations for smooth running and being able to remain in a situation to where people can receive the healing that they are so desperate for on an ongoing basis. 

The attendees can ask Swami Stone about deep spiritual questions they have and glean an understanding of why and how Spirit is working in their lives. Swamiji can share very deep insights into problems that attendees are having, giving them substantial information on how to deal with current problems that they are facing, based upon what Spirit tells her, for you and based upon her years of Spiritual/Ministerial counseling and education in psychology and world religions. Swami Stone is the author of 'Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine' and '1001 Words of Wisdom, Musings of a Master Yogini'.  

We also participate in very advanced Samadhi Nirvana Yoga meditation. During the meditation sessions Swami Stone uses her own techniques to remove blockages from chakra's and the kundalini's of individual attendees, if they so wish.

"Shaktipat, Baptism 
of the Holy Spirit", or 
Swami's "Samaadhi NirvaaNa Yoga Meditation 'Initiation'"
by Swami Ramaraaja Stone

Swami Stone is a Dzogchen master and offers an 'energetic transmission' to those who wish to be initiated into training and have their feet put formally onto a spiritual path. Any religious creed my be adhered to while on one's own individual path but the formal 'initiation' or transmission of a Master is many times required to quickly accelerate one's spiritual journey by someone who lives in a state of Mastery already. 

This shortens one's search of years of wandering around without answers or spiritual attainment and helps an individual who is serious about personal mastery to achieve it much more quickly than someone struggling on their own.        
Swami Stone has been on a spiritual path since the age of eight when she was activated as a 'spiritual avatar'. She was a child mystic and sought to learn about spiritual practices actively at a young age. She desired to know everything about the Divine to answer her own questions about the experiences that she was having at such a young age. She achieved the baptism of the Holy Spirit and went into Cosmic, God and Unity consciousness  at the age of 33. and has been mastering the energies since then eventually achieving Nirvikalpa Samaadhi. She has helped many individuals to tap into their highest potential and has helped them to achieve Cosmic, God and Unity Consciousness. Peace on your spiritual journey.

More on the Baptism 
of the Holy Spirit & Shaktipat Initiation

Shaktipat, Samaadhi NirvaaNa Yoga Initiation or the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - much like Jesus of Nazereth received from 'John' the Baptist when he was 33 years of age, which propelled Jesus into his earthly ministry is necessary for any human being in order for the divine to become seated within them and for them to become 'born again'. (Unless they came into this incarnation with enlightenment. There are many who have - and were master teacher's in past incarnations, but because they have not yet been awakened in this life due to energy 'blockages' and lost memories, they remain ignorant of that fact today). Swami is dedicated to helping all past masters to regain their memories and get on with their purpose in being here this time. Swamiji is also dedicated to helping new adepts to find their way as well, but to accelerate their spiritual growth, as the possiblity of this has been known to work for centuries.

Jesus said "Unless ye become born again, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Stone, Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine, 2009). Jesus also said in the gospel of Thomas that "The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the earth, but men see it NOT!" (Stone, Going Clear, Doorway to the Divine, 2009). (OR BECOME ENLIGHTENED - Cosmic Consciousness), The 'baptism of the Holy Spirit' is the same experience that the eastern seekers have when achieving Cosmic Consciousness. There is veritably NO DIFFERENCE! The description of the meditation Initiation by Swami Stone called Samaadhi NirvaaNa Yoga Initiation is just her way of describing from the Sanskrit (Oldest KNOWN language on earth) what is actually happening from an experiential standpoint. 

"Swami Stone has helped me find that Spiritual Path that I had forgotten, and was lost. I am finding my place in Spiritual Mastery again that was lying dormant in me while trying to find purpose in my life. Swami Stone's shaktipat touch 'initiation',  guidance/ teachings/library have brought me to a bold new existence. I am finding out WHO I am. Letting my EGO go and replacing it with Divine Love and Christ Conciousness. I am different ~ Meditations guide me in the quest for spiritual healing. Not just in myself, but through the divine love of Spirit (for me God and Jesus) and the use of Swami's extensive library, I am learning what I am meant to do, my purpose. She has helped me rediscover the Shaman, Mystic and Healer that I have always been. It has answered many questions I have had. Swami Stone's teachings have allowed me to let go of fear and live an authentic life. If you are ready to find the Mastery in yourself, Swami Stone is a devoted teacher, and she will tell you the TRUTH ~ not what you think you WANT to hear. She has great knowledge of many Spiritual Teachings as described on her website mystictigerashram.com. She teaches/helps with lots of love and compassion as well." (Virginia Hess (Swamini Nova), facebook)

SAKTI-SANCHAR (or Shaktipat touch/glance)

Just as you can give an orange to a man, so also, spiritual power can be transmitted by one to another. This method of transmitting spiritual powers is termed Sakti-sanchar. In Sakti-sanchar, a certain spiritual vibration of the Sadguru is actually transferred to the mind of the disciple.

Spiritual power is transmitted by the Guru to the proper disciple whom he considers fit for Sakti-sanchar. The Guru can transform the disciple by a look, a touch, a thought or a word, or mere willing.

Sakti-sanchar comes through Parampara. It is a hidden mystic science. It is handed down from Guru to disciple. 

Lord Jesus, through touch, transmitted his spiritual power to some of his disciples. A disciple of Samartha Ramdas transmitted his power to that dancing girl's daughter who was very passionate towards him. The disciple gazed at her and gave her Samadhi. Her passion vanished. She became very religious and spiritual. Lord Krishna touched the blind eyes of Surdas. The inner eye of Surdas was opened. He had Bhava Samadhi. Lord Gouranga, through his touch, produced divine intoxication in many people and converted them to his side. Atheists even danced in ecstasy in the streets by his touch and sang songs of Hari. (Swami Stone through initiation/touch, gazing and words has been transforming individuals as well as disciples in these same ways for over 17 years).

The disciple should not rest satisfied with the transmission of power from the Guru. He will have to struggle hard in Sadhana for further perfection and attainments. Sri Ramakrishna Parama-hamsa touched Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda had superconscious experience. He struggled hard for seven years more, even after the touch, for attaining perfection.

More on the Initiation or the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

This is Sanskrit for what is called Samaadhi (deepest meditation), NirvaaNa (liberation, cessation, vanishing, quieted), Yoga (union with the divine through a prayerful connection) or deep liberation union (Deep trance Meditation). This meditation has been developed by Swami Ramaraaja Stone also known as Sharon R. Stone DD, the Spiritual Head of the Mystic Tiger Ashram. 

This meditation technique lowers brainwave states to theta, deepest delta and beyond during just one session if a person is ready for it mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is not a 'guided' meditation, rather, you are given this deep trance state through a transmission of healing energies from Swami Stone, as you are able to receive it while you are at the Ashram in a meditation session. "Due the level of intensity and spiritual savvy Swami Stone brings to these sessions, her students are often swept away. Many are affected on a very deep level and are noticeably changed by the class thus the term 'getting stoned’. "Many people are often swept away" (Mendhi, Getting Stoned, 2002). (see articles page within this website).

When this type of meditation is prarticipated in for just moments each day one is proplelled into a world filled with spiritual 'aha' experiences, insights and spiritual 'higher self' guidance very quickly as this is the natural state of every human being. 

By participation in this type of meditation, one connects with their most highest selves, to the universal connection or the divine itself. As one grows into this 'divine' connection with self and Spirit one will experience Cosmic, God and Unity Consciousness which is the goal of all spiritual practice from all religious traditions. Cost: Love offering. To recieve the formal 'Samaadhi Nirvaana Yoga Meditation 'Initiation'" with Swami Stone there is a suggested donation and you may call to schedule an appointment at the Ashram with Swami Stone one on one to receive it. Some formal training is included with this initiation.
The Jade Tiger symbol to the right represents the 
Mystic Tiger Ashram and was the original symbol for Shotokan Karate - Japanese. 

We use this symbol to represent the Raja Yogi's task of patiently hunting down one's own issues and those of their students, or clients of the Ashram to expose them to the light of reason and truth. The master must become the Tiger, overcome all fear and patiently hunt his or her own true nature and develop the martial artist's mind to move obstacles out of the way, as in the Aikido martial art.

The Tiger nature is to patiently hunt for and viciously kill it's prey. The prey here is the ego's desire to fool us into thinking that it is okay and that IT is the master, but it is not. Training at the Mystic Tiger Ashram is much like learning mental martial arts, because that is what is needed to master the overwhelming power that the ego possesses to keep us bound into fear

A vision of Swami Stone is to someday offer martial arts training at the Mystic Tiger Ashram due to It's ability to discipline the body as well as the mind against laziness and mental apathy. Swami Stone has studied martial arts throughout her life and is a Tiger on the Chinese Astrology. 
Swami Stone at the Mystic Tiger Ashram in 2012.
Swami Stone at the Mystic Tiger Ashram in 2010.
Meditation area at the Ashram.
Meditation area at the Ashram.